蔡明水,北爱荷华大学教授,对多元化的儿童文学领域有广泛的研究。 1944年出生于福建,1966年毕业于福建师范学院,1981年获杭州大学英语文学硕士学位,留校任教。1985年访问印第安纳大学,1986年入学阿克伦大学,1989年获英语文学硕士学位,1992年获俄亥俄大学博士学位。

MINGSHUI CAI is Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Northern Iowa. He is a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Children's Literature and has also served on the editorial board of Language Arts. His articles have appeared in The New Advocate, Bookbird, Children's Literature in Education, and other journals.