田汉勤教授出生于1962年,1982年毕业于原浙江农业大学,在美国纽约州立大学获得理学博士学位,现任美国奥本大学生态学杰出教授。田教授在全球和区域碳循环研究领域取得了先驱和突破性的成果,在Nature、Science、JGR等科学刊物上发表了90多篇科学研究论文,其影响遍及生态学、生物地球化学及全球变化科学等领域。田教授的突出成果之一就是先驱性地采用生态系统过程模型分析研究了年际气候变率对亚马逊河流域森林生态系统的碳收支的定量影响,提出 1980-1994年间,在干热的厄尔尼诺年份是碳源,而在其它年份为碳汇。这一工作于1998年在Nature上发表后,影响深远,是IPCC第三和第四次评估报告的有关科学表述的主要参考文献。田教授的其它突出成果包括对全球陆地碳收支、北美大陆碳收支和季风亚洲区碳收支及其对气候变率及大气二氧化碳浓度增加的敏感性的定量估计,以及土地利用等人类活动对陆地碳收支的影响的研究等。 获2008年度全球变化科学奖。

Hanqin Tian, Ph.D.
Solon and Martha Dixon Professor
Director, International Center for Climate and Global Change Research
Leader, The Climate, Human, and Earth System Science Cluster
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

Ph.D. (1996), Environmental and Forest Biology (Systems Ecology), State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) and Syracuse University, New York.
M.S. (1986), Agronomy and Soil, The Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing.
B.S. (1982), Agronomy, Zhejiang University (Former Zhejiang Agricultural University), Hangzhou/Ningbo.

Director, International Center for Climate and Global Change Research, Auburn University, USA
Solon and Martha Dixon Professor (2010 - ), School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, AL, USA
University Alumni Professor (2007 - ), School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, AL, USA.
Adjunct Professor (2008 - ), Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auburn University
Professor (6/2003 - present), School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, AL, USA.
Associate Professor (8/2001-5/2003), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA.
Staff Scientist I (7/1998-7/2001), Research Associate (5/1998-7/1998),Postdoctoral Research Scientist (9/1995-4/1998), The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.
Research Affiliate (1/1998-present), MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Assistant Professor (7/1986-8/1988), China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou, China.
Research Associate (8/1982-8/1983), Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Jinyun, Zhejiang, China.

Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) , 2016.
Global Change Science Prize, Ye Duzheng Global Change Science Foundation and Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008.
National Young Scientist Award (Oversea), National Science Foundation of China, 2001
Pao Yu-Kong Chaired Professor (2008-2010), Zhejiang University, China
