瑞典皇家工程院(The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences,Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA)


瑞典皇家工程院(IVA)创建于1919年,是世界上第一个工程院。瑞典皇家工程院将自己定位为“(企业)决策者的网络、影响社会发展的平台、知识转让的促进者”,特别注重与企业和社会的联系。瑞典皇家工程院的企业领导理事会(Business Executives Council)现有200多个公司参加,通过多种方式(如早餐会)增进与企业界的联系,并共同讨论科技发展中的问题。

IVA is an independent academy with around 1,300 Swedish and international members. They are decision-makers, experts and researchers from the private sector, academia and public administration. His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf is IVA’s patron and is an active participant in the Academy’s activities. The 1,000 or so Swedish members are divided into twelve divisions focusing on different sectors.

The Swedish inducted members are Swedish citizens or permanent residents who have made outstanding contributions in the fields the Academy focuses on and who are prepared to work to help IVA achieve its objectives.

International members are individuals who are permanent residents of another country who have made outstanding contributions in the Academy’s fields and who have shown a particular interest in forging contacts with Swedish research and Swedish industry.


