朱海明 (Haiming Zhu)
特聘研究员,2008年毕业于中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院;2014年在美国Emory大学获得物理化学博士学位,之后在美国Columbia大学做博士后研究员。2016年7月任职浙江大学化学系研究员,博士生导师。主要利用时间分辨激光光谱研究低维纳米材料和高新材料的激发态性质和载流子动力学及其在太阳能转化和发光上的应用。截止2016年7月,已在Science, Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Nature Communication, Journal of American Chemical Society, Nano Letter, ACS Nano等刊物上发表论文40篇,引用超过1900次, H因子24。部分研究成果被Nature Materials, Science Daily, C&EN等国际科学媒体广泛报道。曾获美国Emory大学研究生最高奖Lester Award,美国自然科学基金 MRSEC博后奖学金,中国优秀自费留学生奖学金,国际固体激发态动力学会议 Sturge Prize。 2016年入选国家青年。
荣获The 2016 Sturge Prize , 并被邀请在法国巴黎第十九届固体激发态动力学国际会议(the 19th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids)做大会开幕报告和参加颁奖仪式。Sturge Prize是固体发光学和激发态动力学领域的重要专业奖,专门颁发给该领域刚起步的青年科研人员,每三年颁奖一次,一次一人,这也是中国人首次获得该奖项。

2004-2008 USTC, Department of Chemical Physics and MSE, BS in chemistry
2009-2014/05 Emory University, Department of Chemistry, PhD in Physical Chemistry,Advisor: Tim Lian

2014/05-2016/06 Postdoc Scientist, Columbia University, Department of Chemistry, Advisor: Xiaoyang Zhu
2016/07-present Professor, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University

2017 Best Presentation Award, China Photovoltaic Technology International Conference (CPTIC2017)
2016 Thousand Talent Program for Young Outstanding Scientists, Chinese Government
2016 Sturge Prize, International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids
2014 NSF MRSEC Fellow, Columbia University
2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad, Chinese Government
2013 Lester Award, Emory University
2012 Johnston Award, Emory University
2011 Quayle Fellowship, Emory University
2008 Outstanding Dissertation for Bachelor’s Degree, USTC
2007 Excellent Undergraduate Research Project, USTC
2006 Excellent Student Scholarship, USTC
2005 Excellent Student Scholarship, USTC
