
国际工程院联盟,国际工程与技术科学院理事会(International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences,简称CAETS)是世界各国国家级工程院的联合组织,是国际工程科技界的重要国际组织之一。

CAETS is an independent nonpolitical, non-governmental, international organization of engineering and technological sciences academies, one member academy per country, that advances the following objectives:
Prepared to advise governments and international organizations on technical and policy issues related to its areas of expertise;
Contribute to the strengthening of engineering and technological activities to promote sustainable economic growth and social welfare throughout the world;
Foster a balanced understanding of the applications of engineering and technology by the public;
Provide an international forum for discussion and communication of engineering and technological issues of common concern;
Foster cooperative international engineering and technological efforts through meaningful contacts for development of programs of bilateral and multilateral interest;
Encourage improvement of engineering education and practice internationally; and Foster establishment of additional engineering academies in countries where none exist.
The first International Convocation of Academies of Engineering and similar institutions was held in 1978. Slight changes were made in the title of subsequent convocations from 1980 to 1985. In 1985 the name “Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS)” was agreed upon. Upon incorporation in 2000, the name became the “International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Inc. (CAETS).”



Argentina 阿根廷工程院 National Academy of Engineering (ANI), Argentina https://www.anc-argentina.org.ar
Australia 澳大利亚技术科学与工程院 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) https://www.atse.org.au
Belgium 比利时应用科学院 Royal Belgium Academy of Applied Sciences (BACAS) https://www.kvab.be/
Canada 加拿大工程院 Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) https://cae-acg.ca/
China 中国工程院 Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) http://www.cae.cn/
Croatia 克罗地亚工程院 Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) https://www.hatz.hr/
Czech Republic 捷克工程院 Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic (EA CR) http://www.eacr.cz/
Denmark 丹麦技术科学院 Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) https://atv.dk/
Finland 芬兰技术院 Technology Academy Finland (TAF) https://taf.fi/
France 法国技术院 National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF) https://www.academie-technologies.fr/
Germany 德国科学与工程院 German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) https://www.acatech.de/
Hungary 匈牙利工程院 Hungarian Academy of Engineering (HAE) https://www.mernokakademia.hu/
India 印度工程院 Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) https://www.inae.in/
Japan 日本工程院 The Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ) https://www.eaj.or.jp/
Korea 韩国工程院 The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) https://www.naek.or.kr/
Mexico 墨西哥工程院 Academy of Engineering (AI), Mexico https://www.ai.org.mx
Netherlands 荷兰技术与创新院 Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI.nl) https://www.acti-nl.org/
Norway 挪威技术科学院 Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) https://www.ntva.no/
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚工程院 Slovenian Academy of Engineering (IAS) http://ias.si
South Africa 南非工程院 South African Academy of Engineering (SAAE), South Africa http://saae.co.za/
Spain 西班牙皇家工程院 Real Academia de Ingenieria (RAI) Spain http://www.raing.es
Sweden 瑞典皇家工程院 Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) https://www.iva.se/
Switzerland 瑞士工程科学院 Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) https://www.satw.ch/
United Kingdom 英国皇家工程院 Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), UK https://www.raeng.org.uk/
Uruguay 乌拉圭国家工程院 National Academy of Engineering of Uruguay (ANI) https://aniu.org.uy/
USA 美国国家工程院 National Academy of Engineering (NAE), US http://www.nae.edu/