竺可桢日记 (1948年)11月26日 星期五 杭


杭 晨雨480 ,终日雨。上午见雪珠。晚雨46°。傅作义兵放弃漆县。熊十力去沪转粤。

  午后三点正之来辞行,乘西湖号车回沪,聘书已发。今日寄元任夫妇一函,告以所购雨衣已由正之带到,并嘱寄交纽约Empire Building 之中和公司洋二百元美金,为浙大病虫害〔系〕购仪器之用,此款系下学镇、赵如兰二人退回旅费八百元之最后一批(详单见收支一览表中)。晚阅李絜非著《浙史纪要》。
  George Marshall to the House Foreign Affairs Committee (Feb. , 1948) : “The U.S. 自hould not , by its actions , be put in a position of being charged with a direct responsibilityfor the conducts of the Chinese govemment & its political , economic & militalγaffairs.”Nathaniel Peffer: China’s crisis is a crisis for us {中国的危机也是我们的危机} ,New York Times Magazine , Section , pp. 12 76 , Nov. 14 , 1948. There are 3 thingsAmericans can do. One is to continue as it has , frittering away money in the name ofaid , which has already proved useless and must be abandoned at once. The other 2 areto make a forcible intervention in China now , or to do nothing now and let come whatmay. Neither is without risk. But on balance it is sounder to forego intervention and letevents take their course , meanwhile retaining full freedom of action. If the worst comesto the worst , and if the communist should elect to adhere to the Russian block , it willtake them years just to recruit & train enough men and to organize the countη.寄元任函


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