竺可桢日记 (1948年)11月5日 星期五 杭州


杭州 晨睛590 ,下午晴66°。

  定安回。”It is education forms the common mi时, just as the twig is bent , the Iree inclines. “一一-Alex. Pope晨六点半起床。九点至青年会看牙医田志君,今日始将牙洗竣。余询以共价几何,渠坚不肯收,后云只付五元足矣,实不能抵付药费也。出至九莲村晤默君,知吴达锥有函来云,蒋总统巳允拨三万元为建墓费。默君又拟将此款兑成金子。侣,目前问题在邵梅记虽订约,而未按日期(十一月一日)动工,故-切均系空话也。
  余意先将墓完成,而默君信占者言,谓今年风水不利。十点回。农经系学〔生〕张广建、王高仓二人来,云愿去农村建设委员会服务,嘱余函梦麟。孙承镜来,谓医院麻醉死妇人喻福莲家愿和平了结,但要借1200 元。余觅王季午来。王不愿,作罢。
  午后作函与印度Calcutta 加尔各答大学Sengupta 教授,询印度廿八宿事。四点至网球场,与萧辅、俞国顺、孙载三人打网球一小时。洗浴后晚餐。
  晚阅《新印度季刊)) New lndiα 第二卷一期,为甘地专刊。又见New York TimesBook Review 上有《甘地自.传》出版, The Stoη 01 My Experiments with Truth {我体验真理的故事~, by M. K. Gandhi 于1921 年写而到今年始在华盛顿The Public Aιfairs Press 出版,价五元, 640 ppo”Migrant Birds” {候鸟~ by George Dock , New York Times Magazine , “Goldenplover nest up as far as the northemmost limits of law , and winter down as far as CapeHom. The arctic tem , seldom nest S. of Maine , crosses Atlantic to France , and skirtcoast of AfrÌca to winter ìn S. Oceans , some travel a year round trip of 20 ,000 miles.In migration , some species show an uncanny sense of timing. One of the Shearwaterswhich summer through the N. Pacific and nests on an Island near S. Australia by tensof thousand had their vanguard arriving at 7 :45 p. m. on Nov. 23 every year.寄Prof. P. C. Sengupta , Ep 度大使馆函金克南、希文


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