竺可桢日记 (1948年)7月3日 星期六 杭州

杭州 晨睛82°,下午睛89°,晚十点88°,子夜86°。

  晨六点半起。上午作函与British Council 之Rosalind Day ,为吴祖基请奖金事。
  Raymond B. Fosdick Not Dollαrs αlone , Fα, ith is αlso needed: ” At bottom the crisisin the world today is a moral crisis. What has broken down is not so much an intricateeconomic mechanism , as it is men’s confidence in himself and in his fellowmen.According to Prof. Whitehead , “All centuries are dangerous. It is the business of futureto be dangerous. “Toynbee “The character of our response detennines the chances of our survival. “” We have been maneuvered into a position where we are defending the status quo ,leaving the Soviet Union the exploitation of the worldwide hunger for a new & betterlife. The Czechs have a better reproach. The Americans seemed willing to fill our stomachswhile the Russians filled our heads. “”America is preoccupied with the task of raising the material standards of living ,our ideal is beginning to be not so much a world peopled by wise & happy men , as it isa world in which ‘ every family has its automobile and every pots its chicken’ . .. A solid foundation is an essential basis for a high civilization. But it is a basis not a super帽structure. Today it threatens to lead us to disastrous consequences that mankind lives bybread alone. ” N. Y. Sundαy Times Jurte 6 ,咱.
  寄Miss Rosalind D町、贾景德、张孟闻、张勋之、毛汉礼、孙拳、佘坤珊函 刘福泰电


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