竺可桢日记 (1948年)4月14日 星期三 杭


杭侵晓雨不止,六点停, 62°。下午66°。晚雨。

  午后借允敏至建德村甲九号贝时璋处慰其父丧,并致送膊仪一百万元。知贝老先生为出野外摘野葱而落浅水河中,两手犹持葱云,时在下午三点左右。次至谈家桢处,知去年十一月做水泥坟在宁波,去三千万元云。电机系廿九级毕业生冯绍昌来,渠于去年在Illinois Chanutefield 见到,并曾拍数照。下午四点至膺白路十九号晤子宽夫妇,知其在无锡办厂。五点半至英士路四十六号,为陈柏青大公子陈奕万与朱锦华女士订婚(朱杭州人) ,到高等法院孙鸿烈及二夫人、李超英夫妇等。
  Sense & Sensibility in Politics , Leonard W oolf, in a review of books in The NewStαtesmαn & Nα, tion Oct. 18 , 1947. The book M. Ginsburg Reαson & Unreason in Society, 1ρngman , 1918. “Not only in the world of the 20th century more unreasonable thanthat of 19th , but whereas our ancestors at least believed that it was better to act rationallythan irrationally , large number of people today believe in the opposite. .. after 1918 therule of u町eason began firmly to establish itself over the greater part of the Earth. .. Fascism, Nazism & Communism made opinion and truth in politics a criminal offence and promotedemotion , primarily the emotion of hatred to be the directing force in government.”
  接墨西哥寄来El Norte (北方H一月十八日)报一份(内有余小传)


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