竺可桢日记 (1948年)2月25日 星期三 杭

杭 晨晴49°。下午睛。

  Czechoslovak communist Prime Minister Klement Gottwald comes close in his views with presidentEduard Benes to form a new cahinet. A decree of communist interior minister Vaclav Nosek convertedCzechoslovakia into a police state, 2∞ arrested.
  晨七点起。作函与叔永,约来杭至超山探梅。并函叶良材,谢其在沪作居停主人事。陈业荣、谷超豪二人来,谓上学期考试二分之一不及格者占七十人之多,可否从宽准试读,余不允。又闻乔和生二分之一不及〔格〕有从宽留校办法,余查无此事,因壁报上造谣言也。此次考试较严,故一年级二分之一不及格因而退学者共46 人。有侨生陈耀刚,生长于逞罗,来说项。余认为边疆学生或可考虑耳。法二年级学生陈全华来,以去年停学一学期(为罢课风潮)欲恢复公费,决提出下午讨论。法律三年级生徐学楠、汤养正、潘襄华、吴英才、齐韶等,为学生周英焕将被开除说项。缘周临海人,考毕回家,但债法篇总论不及格,十五〔日〕补考人未到而有人为之代考,由考得成绩特佳,经赵之远发觉,知系同年级杨荣昌所为。杨亦自承,但讲系其弟托代考。下午三点开行政会议,讨论结果杨记二大过二小过,周停学一年,陈全华、崔兆芳停学一年,不能得公费,侠呈部说明再定。晚庶为来,知彬彬在实验室时冒签汤克之名(汤不到故为代签)云。
  J. Leighton Stuart (《大美晚报》二月廿三日) : He suggested that the intellectuals& the educated might form a new party to offer constructive criticism of the government, or they might simply be organized into groups for the advocating of certain reforms& a progressive movement. He is alarmed by the negative attitude taken by the intellectualsand the educated , i. e. the professors in the universities toward the government. Some of them are criticizing government but are doing nothing to help improving it. Hehopes there will be a progressive movement launched with the support of the government.


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