竺可桢日记 (1948年)2月24日 星期二 杭


杭 (元宵)晨44°。晚月明如昼, 53°。

  晨七点起。上午丁振麟、过兴先来,为卢亦秋以台湾糖业试验场场长易人欲回浙大,为其说项。又王德崇借熊伯衡来谈。熊在西北农学院教农经十年之久,此次47乘飞机到摸口转杭云。学生周英焕与杨荣昌来谈补考作弊事,二人均法律系三年级生,缘周有一门不及格,已回临海原籍,其弟恐周来不及考,乃托杨为之代考,由赵之远发觉。因周功课素不好,而此次竟得80 分,查澈之下对笔迹,知系杨所作之卷,故二人均已承认,提出明日会议讨论。
  高尚志来,为购跑马表〔秒表〕事,每只需五百万以上。此次收体育费得七千万元,购球外已嫌不足。李浩培借黄勋来。下午晓沧来,并约李树化同吃元宵。五点借晓沧至火庙街18 号晤邵裴子,谈半小时,知文理学院大门上之字系梦麟所书。
  David E. Lilienthal “Atomic Energy is Y our Business” , N. 卫Times Mag. 一月十一。
  There are two facts of greatest importance to every living man: (1) Mankind hasprobably leamed more in the past 30 years about atomic energy than in all the precedingcenturies and (2) Within the next few years , a decade perhaps , we should be in a positionto unlock new knowledge about life and matter so great that wholly new conceptsof life will emerge. .. Radioisotopes can reveal the secret of how a stalk of com uses therays of Sun , how does a plant absorb the fertilizer , and just what happens in aplant ? .. To leam one of nature’ s basic secret一-photosynthesis. The answer will greatlyaffect the world food supply & hence road to peace. . .接朱学兰寄杨竹亭、王竹泉、张以刚、杭立武、郑邦琅、周鸿经函希文、硕平


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