竺可桢日记 (1947年)12月10日 星期三 杭

杭 阴。晨52 。,晚46 0 0

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  O. W. Hol附s , Max Lerner , 1946 , pp. 394-398 , “Natural Law” (first published1918). 1 used to say , when 1 was young , that the truth was the majority vote ofthat nation that could lack a11 others. Certainly we may expect that the received opinionabout the p陀sent war (第一次大战) will depend a good deal upon which side wins ,and 1 that the statement was correct in so far as it implied that our test of truth is a referenceto either a present or an imagined future majority in favor of our view. … Ce时itudeis not test of certainty. We have been cocksure of many things that were not so.Property , friendship & truth have a common root in time. One cannot be wrenched fromthe rocky crevices into which one has grown for many years without feeling that one isattached in one’s life what we most love and revere generally is determined by early 邸,soclatJons.1 love granite rocks and barberry bushes , no doubt because with them were my earliestjoys that reach back through the post eternity of my life. But while one’s experiencethus make certain preference dogmatic for oneself, recognition of how they came to be ,so leaves one able to see that other poor souls , may be equally dogmatic about somethingelse. And this again means scepticism. Not that one’s belief or love does not 陀main, not that we would not fight and die for it if important we all , whether we knowit or not , are fighting to make the kind of world that we should like but that we havelearned to recognize that others will fight and die , to make a different world with equalsincerity or belief. Deep seated preferences can not be argued about – and thereforewhen differences are far reaching , we tηto kill the other man rather than let him havehis own way.O. W. H.οl附s , p. 396. The jurist who believe in natural law ~em to me to be inthat naïve state of mind that accepts what has been familiar and accepted by them andtheir neighbor as something mu自t be accepted by all m芒n everywhere. No doubt it is truethat , so far as we can see ahead some aπangements & the rudiments of familiar institutionseem be necessary elements in any society that may spring from our own and wouldseem to us to be civilized. … But without speculating whether a group is imaginable inwhich all but the last of these might disappear and the last be subject to qualificationsthat most of us would abhor , the question remained as to the “ought” of natural law.
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