竺可桢日记 (1947年)12月8日 星期一 〔杭州〕

〔杭州〕晨晴52°。午后热, 64°。晚雨。

美国哥伦比亚二大教育家Pres. Nichol困Murray Butler 、Prof. Paul Monroe 相继于日前去仅卫5世。孟禄年78 ,勃i武楼85 云,后者七日去世,前者六日去世。
  晨七点起。上午沈铸颜来,谈及附中教员(国文,师院毕业)任大连如何在校不守规则,怂恿学生罢课等等,意欲于学期终结时停职。余以附中聘书以一年为期,中途更易必发生纠葛,请其慎重考虑。十点半至西华大楼晤李培德(郁文子)牙科医生,渠年事尚轻。余〔告〕以右上门牙于去年十月间经何英祥拔去补好后,今年夏天牙床发痛,余以腆酒涂之痛止,而近来发觉牙床凄缩至根。渠以X 光照得牙根上有Pyorrhoea 牙槽旅溢,即将假牙脱下。渠主张做Bridge ,上牙床装四个,需三百余万元,下牙床亦须装配。余告以在美国时已装有Bridge ,约于星期三再去O午后舒鸿来,知学生壁报上为尚志干涉数四学生廖崇美事大肆攻击,有《一个经济的建议》称”体育司务” , {O∞小传》、《呜呼大学教授》、《体育课教授对同学态度根本错误》等文字,故全体体育教员主张不上课。三点开训育会议。除训育委员会杨耀德、钱琢如及各院院长、训导长外,并请当日在球场上亲眼看见冲突情形者谈家桢、谭天锡、魏春孚及数学系主任苏步青列席。决议廖崇美违反网球场规则,事后声明又与事实不符,记大过一次。
  Justice Holmes (Oliver Wendell) , Letter ω lohn Wood. A man’s job is his contributionto the general welfare and when a man is on that , he will do it better. The lesshe thinks either of himself or of his neighbors , and the more he put all his energy in theproblem he has to solve. 1 have said this a thousand times before & 1 ought to apologizefor repeating it , but it comes home to me afresh from time to time. (Letter writtenMarch 26 , 1923 at age 85. )Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Letter to lohn C. H. Wood. “The test of an idealor rather of an idealist , is the power to hold it and get one’s inward inspiration from itunder difficulties. ” Emerson’s great gift is to set a ferment.接徐近之、施荣卿、希文、张梓铭寄谭超夏、蔡竟平


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