竺可桢日记 (1945年)9月6日 星期四 遵义

晨六点半略有雾,寻睛,天气极佳。校中19°,家中 22°0.
遵义晨六点半略有雾,寻睛,天气极佳。校中190,家中 2200 .

盟国占领日本军队为数将达五十万。联合国救济总署李门决定以八万万元美金在一年内给中国。何应钦总司令飞南京接受日方技降,正式签字。因日、越南代表未到,展期至九日飞京。谷正纲于今日飞京还都,接收委员同往者教育甘家馨,卫生姚克方、朱章庚,农林皮作琼等。王耀武入长沙。松入幼稚园。晚师管区司令吴剑平请客。方子勤、秦道坚到校。 Cardinal 1. H. Newman <大学之性质与范围》。
晨六点半起。八点廿分至校。直侯来谈。中午时在子弹库拍数照。午后睡一小时。三点至校。作函数通。秦道坚来,系化工系教授。渠系桂林人,西大毕业后由省送往美国Louisiana路易斯安那大学,后至Oregon俄勒冈大学学化工。方子勤初自美国Wisconsin威斯康星大学回国。晚六点柴扉夫妇来,渠等将就国立艺专事。晚至新城中正路26号弄达让路晚膳,到张鸣岗、周剑秋、沈庄宇、李世家、卜青芳、王副处长、张副司令、胡总干事等。至八点半回。阅 Cardinal John Newman “The Idea of a University” , Everyman’s Library 0
Cardinal John Henry Newman On the Scope & Nαture 0/ University EducαMOIlwrit.ten 1852. Preface , University is a place of teaching universal knowledge. This implies that on the one hand intellectual not moral , on the other hand , that it is the diffusion & extension of knowledge rather than the advancement. It cannot fulfil the object duly without the church’s assistance , or to use the theological term the church is necessary for its integrity. … When the church founds a university , she is not cherishing talent genius or knowledge for their own sake but for the sake of her children , with a view to their spiritual welfare & their religious inf1uences and usefulness with the object of mak.ing them more intelligent , capable , active members of society. ‘” What are the ad.vantages of a university ? They are in one word the culture of intellect. Our desiderαtum is the force , the steadiness , the comprehensiveness & the versatility of intellect , the command over our own powers , the instinctive just estimate of things , which sometimes indeed is a natural gift , but commonly is.not gained without much effort and the exercise of years. This is the real cultivation of mind and 1 do not deny that the characteristic ex.cellences of gentlemen are included in it.当时有人批评以为英国大学之目标在一造成一个Gentleman,见 Huber “E吨lish Universities” <英国的大学>, London 1843 ,’ Vol. 11 , Part 1 , pp.321。
Aristotle: “Of possessions those are rather useful , which bear fruit; those liberal which tend to enjoyment. By fruitful , 1 mean , which yield revenue; by enjoyable , where nothing accrues of consequences beyond the use. ” (Rhet. i. 5)



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