竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月25日 星期三 遵义赴湄潭

遵义赴泪潭晨晴260,27.0″。下午睛。晚月色佳。下午外间31.90 0

  Harold Laski The 5tαte in Theory and Practice.
  Laski p. 65: Hegel以为工商界利欲熏心, they may have intelligence , but they are sunk in narrow and self时1 particularity。农人忠心,但无知识, may have loyalty to the whole but through lack of intelligence it is blind and silent trust , it makes him a healthy element in state , but it shows unfitness for exercise of those qualities which govemment demands. It is only the nobility which can rise above the selfish interest of their class to the plane where private duty becomes with public. The whole , it is argued , is greater than its parts , the interest of the nation state must therefore be regarded as greater than the interest of anyone or anybody of its numbers (p. 67) .


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