竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月22日 星期日 遵


  福建克诏安。 Harold Laski拉斯基The State in Theory & Practice 《理论与实在之国家》。
  晨七点起。八点至校。作函与晓峰。十点借松松回。途遇皮高品,新聘之图书馆主任也。皮借其长子来校,其长子投考浙大。皮,湖北人,在湖北武大为图书馆主任多年(七年),后以鲤生、皮皑白、通伯相率离去,遂离武大。借皮及汤君在寓坐片刻。途中又遇余建彬与曹宣龄,知将于廿九日即下星期日结婚。余以不久将去湄潭,故欲余证婚余颇有难色。午后热,房中将近90°F,即摄氏32°。睡一小时。阅Harold Laski The State in Theory &Practice。三点至柿花园一号洗浴。接三民主义青年团湄潭夏令讲习会来函,知该会于十八开始,己请高尚志、谢幼伟、朱希亮、李相助诸人讲演,名义上余为会长,但开会时未能出席。
  Harold Laski The Stαte in Theory & Practice , Allen & Unwin , 1935.
  Page 19: “The justification of coercive authority , the only title upon which it can claim the obedience of these over whom it is exercised is in the measure of its effort to satisfy the maximum demand, ” Page 21: By a state 1 mean society of this kind which is integrated by possessing a coercive force legally supreme over any individual or group which is part of the society. . This power is called sovereignty.
  Page 26: In the last analysis the state is built upon the ability of its government to operate successfully its supreme coercive power. For evelγcritical challenge to law involves a threat to order; and everγgovernment where ()]由~r is threatened , will neces.sary used the armed forces of the stat~ to preserve it.
  Page 32 ,31 : In medieval age law is regarded as God’s will , nowadays the jurist re.gards it as the will of the state.
  Page 37: Half the tragedies of social chqnge arise from our inability to persuade ourselves that we may be wrong. It is difficult to be scientific about cause and effect in human affairs as we can be scientific about them in the material world.
  寄叔永函 季梁函 晓峰函


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