
辰羲留言 | 贡献2021年9月19日 (日) 22:09的版本
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林珑 英国利兹大学色彩科学系主任,利兹大学知识产权执行委员会会员,Clothworkers创新基金委员会会员,英国利兹大学工业协作DP中心创办人及董事以及利兹大学颜色和纺织科学创办人及董事。英国皇家化学学会资深会员,浙江大学客座教授,英国表面涂料技术协会会员(FTSC),英国纸张、印刷、出版物协会会员,中国染料工业协会技术专家,同时也是多项国际期刊的主编。林珑教授的研究领域非常广泛,主要涉及颜料和染料化学、表面处理、涂料、油墨制剂、有机和聚合物的合成、高分子材料科学、纺织着色、喷墨印刷等方面,发表的论文、著作以及专利达到250余篇。

Long Lin, Professor of Colour & Polymer Science Research, University of Leeds
Long received his BSc (Zhejiang University), MSc (Zhejiang) and PhD (Leeds) in Polymer and Colour Chemistry in 1983, 1986 and 1994. Following his post-doctoral fellowship (Leeds), he was appointed the Field Group Lecturer in 1995 and promoted to Field Group Senior Lecturer in 2000. He was awarded his personal Chair at Leeds in 2006.
Long was appointed the Director of DP Centre of Industrial Collaboration in 2005, the Deputy Head of Department of Colour Science in 2005, and the Head of Department of Colour Science in 2009. He has over 25 years of industrial collaborative research experience. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, of the Institute of Paper, Printing and Publication and of the Technology of Surface Coatings, the Editor-in-Chief of Pigment & Resin Technology (Emerald, UK) and of China Coatings Journal (SinoStar Intl., HK), a Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University, a Chartered Chemist and Colourist, and a Technical Expert of the China Association of Dyers and Printers.
