
辰羲留言 | 贡献2017年9月9日 (六) 02:02的版本
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叶恒春(Hengchun Ye)

Her research has been focused on the climate variability and change especially regarding the snow accumulation, precipitation characteristics, river discharges, atmospheric water vapor and their connections to major atmospheric circulation patterns and sea surface temperatures. Dr. Ye had won several major research grants from the NSF, NOAA, and Geological Survey. Prior to her position in the university, Dr Ye has served as assistant professor at University of Idaho and Emporia State University in Kansas. In addition, Dr. Ye has been the summer faculty in JPL with Atmospheric Infra-red Sounders research group during 2003-2010. She collaborates with scientists from other institutions including University of Alaska, University of Colorado, Rutger’s University, University of Massachusetts, AER Inc., JPL, etc. She is also the affiliate faculty at the University of Miami and University of Idaho. Dr. Ye received her Ph.D in Climatology from U of Delaware in 1995.
