
辰羲留言 | 贡献2023年6月7日 (三) 01:28的版本 →‎新南威尔士大学澳大利亚国防学院副教授
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Jian Zhang
Associate Professor of International & Political Studies
Associate Dean (Education)

Dr. Jian Zhang is an associate professor in International and Political Studies and the Deputy Head (Education) of the School of Humanities & Social Sciences (HASS), UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy. His primary research interests are Chinese foreign and security policy, China's military modernisation, Asia-Pacific security and Australia-China relations. He is the Vice-President of the Executive Committee (2021-2024) of International Studies Association (ISA) Asia-Pacific, a member of the Australian Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (AUS-CSCAP), and an adjunct Senior Fellow at the Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP) at Stockholm, Sweden. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Zhejiang University, China and completed his PhD in Murdoch University, Australia. Prior to joining UNSW@ADFA in 2000, he formerly held teaching and research positions in the School of Economics at Zhejiang University and the Asia Research Centre of Murdoch University.
