(以内容“ 姓名: 吴建平<br>职称: 教授,博士生导师<br>通信地址:北京清华大学土木工程系<br>邮编: 100084<br>电话号码:010-62797229<b...”创建新页面)
第1行: 第1行:
&nbsp;姓名: 吴建平<br>职称: 教授,博士生导师<br>通信地址:北京清华大学土木工程系<br>邮编: 100084<br>电话号码:010-62797229<br>E-mail:jianpingwu@tsinghua.edu.cn<br>教育背景<br>1978.2 - 1982.1 浙江大学 土木工程系(水利水电专业)     工学学士<br>1982.2 - 1984.7 浙江大学 土木工程系(岩土工程专业) 工学硕士<br>1990.1 - 1994.1 英国南安普顿大学 土木与环境学院(交通工程专业) 工学博士<br>工作履历<br>1984.8 - 1986.7 浙江大学 土木工程系    助教<br>1986.8 - 1989.12 浙江大学 土木工程系   讲师<br>1994.1 - 1999. 9 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 研究员<br>1999.10 - 2002.10 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 高级研究员<br>2000.8 - 2003.7 中国教育部“长江学者” 奖励计划特聘教授 (北京交通大学)<br>2002.11 - 2005.12 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 高级研究员 英国南安普敦大学中英智能交通中心 主任<br>2006.1 - 2007.1 英国南安普敦大学 教授<br>英国南安普敦大学中英智能交通中心 主任<br>2007.1 - 2010.12 英国南安普敦大学 教授<br>英国WSP国际集团 全球ITS技术总代表<br>2011.1 - 至今 中国清华大学 教授<br>社会兼职<br>1. 英国皇家特许后勤和运输学会会员<br>2. 英国道路交通学会会员<br>3. 中国留英学者专业团体联合会(FCPS-UK)第一、二届主席<br>4. 2008 北京奥运交通咨询专家<br>5. 第十届全国政协会议海外特邀委员<br>6. 北京市杰出贡献外国专家“长城友谊奖”获得者<br>7. 北京市交通管理局科技顾问<br>8. 杭州市人民政府顾问<br>9. 海口市人民政府海外高级顾问<br>10. 中国科协海外高级顾问<br>11. 中国建设部公共交通顾问<br>12. 中国自然科学基金委海外评审专家<br>13. 中国教育部海外评审专家<br>14. 中国科技部海外评审专家<br>15. 英国南安普顿大学兼职教授<br>研究领域<br>1. 交通行为、交通模型和交通仿真<br>2. 动态交通数据采集,分析和交通管理<br>3. 路网分析、交通组织优化和交通仿真评价<br>4. 智能交通系统和交通运输物联网<br>研究概况<br>1. 交通分析,交通设计和交通仿真应用<br>2. 智能交通系统的规划、设计与建设<br>学术成果<br>1. Y.G.Sui, M.Guo and J. Wu (2009) Theories and Practice of Road Traffic Management and Simulation Assessment, People’s Communications Press. ISBN: 114-07661-9.<br>2. J. Wu (2004) “Introduction to Transportation Systems”. Edition. Publisher: Taiwan Wunan, ISBN: 1-58053-141-5, Taiwan, 2004.<br>3. Wu J, Sui Y, Wang T (2009) Intelligent transport systems in China. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer. Volume: 162, Issue: 1,Pages: 25-32. Issn 0965-0903.<br>4. Ling Huang and Jianping Wu (2009) Cyclists' path planning behavioral model at unsignalized mixed traffic intersections in China. Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, pp13-19, ISSN: 1939-1390.<br>5. Wu J, Mcdonald M, Chatterjee K (2007) A detailed evaluation of ramp metering impacts on driver behaviour. Transportation Research PART F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Volume: 10, Issue: 1 Pages: 61-75.<br>6. Wu, J and Jiang, B (2007) GPS for GDP. Traffic Technology International, Oct/Nov 2007, pp 67-68.<br>7. Wu, J (2007) Reviewer of the Development of Intelligent Transport Systems in China, ITS International, Sep/Oct 2007, pp 63-64.<br>8. Juan Zhicai, Wu Jianping and Mike McDonald (2006) Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems. Tsinghua Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-0214 11/16, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 339-350.<br>9. Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2006) A detailed Evaluation of Ramp Metering Impacts on Driver Behaviour. Transportation Research Part F. 2006. Vol 10/1 pp 61-75.<br>10. Zheng P., McDonald M., Wu J., (2006). Evaluation of Collision Warning-Collision Avoidance Systems using Empirical Driving Data. Transportation Research Record, 1944, pp 1-7.<br>11. Q. Zhang, M. Guo and J. Wu (2006) The applications of the microscopic simulation model, FLOWSIM, at Urban Traffic Management. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University. 2006, 30(6)。<br>12. Dong, J, Wu, J, and Guo, J (2005) GPS/GIS data based road network Evaluation-Case study of Beijing. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Science). ISSN 1000-1506, Vol. 29, No. 2.<br>13. Guo, J, McDonald, M, Wu, J, and Li, Y (2004) The Application of RTK-GPS in Bridge Safety Monitoring. ASCE Journal: Bridge Engineering, March/April 2005, pp163-168.<br>14. Huang, L, and Wu, J (2004) Study on the cyclist’s behaviour at signalized intersections. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (ISSN 1524-9050), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 293-299.<br>15. Zhao Jiali and Jianping Wu, (2003) “Analysis of Pedestrian behavior with mixed traffic flow at intersection.” Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE. Vol.1, pp 323-327.<br>16. Wu J, Brackstone M, McDonald M (2003) The validation of a microscopic simulation model: a methodological case study. Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technology, Volume: 11, Issue: 6, Pages: 463-479.<br>17. Zhang, Jing; Cai, Bai-Gen; Wu, Jianping (2003) Study of probe vehicle technology. Journal of Northern Jiaotong University, v 27, n 3, p 80.<br>18. Juan, Z, Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2003) The Socio-economic impacts assessment of convoy driving Motorway. Transportation Research Part A. 2003. pp. 731-747.<br>19. Wu, J., McDonald, M. and Breakstone, M. (2003) The Calibration and Validation of a Fuzzy Logic Based Microscopic Car Following Model. Transportation Research part C. 2003. Pp463-479.<br>20. Juan, Z, Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2001) A socio-economic impact assessment for advanced cooperative driving technology. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2001, Vol.1, No.3.<br>21. Wu, J, Brackstone, M, and McDonald, M (2000) Fuzzy Sets and Systems for a Motorway Microscopic Simulation Model. International Journal of “Fuzzy Sets and Systems”, Vol. 116, No. 1, 2000, pp. 65-76.<br>22. Wu, J, and Hounsell, N (1998) Bus priority using pre-signals. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 32, (8), November 1998, pp. 563-583.
&nbsp;姓名: 吴建平<br>职称: 教授,博士生导师<br>通信地址:北京清华大学土木工程系<br>邮编: 100084<br>电话号码:010-62797229<br>E-mail:jianpingwu@tsinghua.edu.cn<br>教育背景<br>1978.2 - 1982.1 浙江大学 土木工程系(水利水电专业)     工学学士<br>1982.2 - 1984.7 浙江大学 土木工程系(岩土工程专业) 工学硕士<br>1990.1 - 1994.1 英国南安普顿大学 土木与环境学院(交通工程专业) 工学博士<br>工作履历<br>1984.8 - 1986.7 浙江大学 土木工程系    助教<br>1986.8 - 1989.12 浙江大学 土木工程系   讲师<br>1994.1 - 1999. 9 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 研究员<br>1999.10 - 2002.10 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 高级研究员<br>2000.8 - 2003.7 中国教育部“长江学者” 奖励计划特聘教授 (北京交通大学)<br>2002.11 - 2005.12 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 高级研究员 英国南安普敦大学中英智能交通中心 主任<br>2006.1 - 2007.1 英国南安普敦大学 教授<br>英国南安普敦大学中英智能交通中心 主任<br>2007.1 - 2010.12 英国南安普敦大学 教授<br>英国WSP国际集团 全球ITS技术总代表<br>2011.1 - 至今 中国清华大学 教授<br>社会兼职<br>1. 英国皇家特许后勤和运输学会会员<br>2. 英国道路交通学会会员<br>3. 中国留英学者专业团体联合会(FCPS-UK)第一、二届主席<br>4. 2008 北京奥运交通咨询专家<br>5. 第十届全国政协会议海外特邀委员<br>6. 北京市杰出贡献外国专家“长城友谊奖”获得者<br>7. 北京市交通管理局科技顾问<br>8. 杭州市人民政府顾问<br>9. 海口市人民政府海外高级顾问<br>10. 中国科协海外高级顾问<br>11. 中国建设部公共交通顾问<br>12. 中国自然科学基金委海外评审专家<br>13. 中国教育部海外评审专家<br>14. 中国科技部海外评审专家<br>15. 英国南安普顿大学兼职教授<br>研究领域<br>1. 交通行为、交通模型和交通仿真<br>2. 动态交通数据采集,分析和交通管理<br>3. 路网分析、交通组织优化和交通仿真评价<br>4. 智能交通系统和交通运输物联网<br>研究概况<br>1. 交通分析,交通设计和交通仿真应用<br>2. 智能交通系统的规划、设计与建设<br>学术成果<br>1. Y.G.Sui, M.Guo and J. Wu (2009) Theories and Practice of Road Traffic Management and Simulation Assessment, People’s Communications Press. ISBN: 114-07661-9.<br>2. J. Wu (2004) “Introduction to Transportation Systems”. Edition. Publisher: Taiwan Wunan, ISBN: 1-58053-141-5, Taiwan, 2004.<br>3. Wu J, Sui Y, Wang T (2009) Intelligent transport systems in China. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer. Volume: 162, Issue: 1,Pages: 25-32. Issn 0965-0903.<br>4. Ling Huang and Jianping Wu (2009) Cyclists' path planning behavioral model at unsignalized mixed traffic intersections in China. Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, pp13-19, ISSN: 1939-1390.<br>5. Wu J, Mcdonald M, Chatterjee K (2007) A detailed evaluation of ramp metering impacts on driver behaviour. Transportation Research PART F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Volume: 10, Issue: 1 Pages: 61-75.<br>6. Wu, J and Jiang, B (2007) GPS for GDP. Traffic Technology International, Oct/Nov 2007, pp 67-68.<br>7. Wu, J (2007) Reviewer of the Development of Intelligent Transport Systems in China, ITS International, Sep/Oct 2007, pp 63-64.<br>8. Juan Zhicai, Wu Jianping and Mike McDonald (2006) Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems. Tsinghua Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-0214 11/16, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 339-350.<br>9. Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2006) A detailed Evaluation of Ramp Metering Impacts on Driver Behaviour. Transportation Research Part F. 2006. Vol 10/1 pp 61-75.<br>10. Zheng P., McDonald M., Wu J., (2006). Evaluation of Collision Warning-Collision Avoidance Systems using Empirical Driving Data. Transportation Research Record, 1944, pp 1-7.<br>11. Q. Zhang, M. Guo and J. Wu (2006) The applications of the microscopic simulation model, FLOWSIM, at Urban Traffic Management. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University. 2006, 30(6)。<br>12. Dong, J, Wu, J, and Guo, J (2005) GPS/GIS data based road network Evaluation-Case study of Beijing. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Science). ISSN 1000-1506, Vol. 29, No. 2.<br>13. Guo, J, McDonald, M, Wu, J, and Li, Y (2004) The Application of RTK-GPS in Bridge Safety Monitoring. ASCE Journal: Bridge Engineering, March/April 2005, pp163-168.<br>14. Huang, L, and Wu, J (2004) Study on the cyclist’s behaviour at signalized intersections. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (ISSN 1524-9050), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 293-299.<br>15. Zhao Jiali and Jianping Wu, (2003) “Analysis of Pedestrian behavior with mixed traffic flow at intersection.” Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE. Vol.1, pp 323-327.<br>16. Wu J, Brackstone M, McDonald M (2003) The validation of a microscopic simulation model: a methodological case study. Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technology, Volume: 11, Issue: 6, Pages: 463-479.<br>17. Zhang, Jing; Cai, Bai-Gen; Wu, Jianping (2003) Study of probe vehicle technology. Journal of Northern Jiaotong University, v 27, n 3, p 80.<br>18. Juan, Z, Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2003) The Socio-economic impacts assessment of convoy driving Motorway. Transportation Research Part A. 2003. pp. 731-747.<br>19. Wu, J., McDonald, M. and Breakstone, M. (2003) The Calibration and Validation of a Fuzzy Logic Based Microscopic Car Following Model. Transportation Research part C. 2003. Pp463-479.<br>20. Juan, Z, Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2001) A socio-economic impact assessment for advanced cooperative driving technology. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2001, Vol.1, No.3.<br>21. Wu, J, Brackstone, M, and McDonald, M (2000) Fuzzy Sets and Systems for a Motorway Microscopic Simulation Model. International Journal of “Fuzzy Sets and Systems”, Vol. 116, No. 1, 2000, pp. 65-76.<br>22. Wu, J, and Hounsell, N (1998) Bus priority using pre-signals. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 32, (8), November 1998, pp. 563-583.

2017年8月31日 (四) 02:59的版本

 姓名: 吴建平
职称: 教授,博士生导师
邮编: 100084
1978.2 - 1982.1 浙江大学 土木工程系(水利水电专业)     工学学士
1982.2 - 1984.7 浙江大学 土木工程系(岩土工程专业) 工学硕士
1990.1 - 1994.1 英国南安普顿大学 土木与环境学院(交通工程专业) 工学博士
1984.8 - 1986.7 浙江大学 土木工程系    助教
1986.8 - 1989.12 浙江大学 土木工程系   讲师
1994.1 - 1999. 9 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 研究员
1999.10 - 2002.10 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 高级研究员
2000.8 - 2003.7 中国教育部“长江学者” 奖励计划特聘教授 (北京交通大学)
2002.11 - 2005.12 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院 高级研究员 英国南安普敦大学中英智能交通中心 主任
2006.1 - 2007.1 英国南安普敦大学 教授
英国南安普敦大学中英智能交通中心 主任
2007.1 - 2010.12 英国南安普敦大学 教授
英国WSP国际集团 全球ITS技术总代表
2011.1 - 至今 中国清华大学 教授
1. 英国皇家特许后勤和运输学会会员
2. 英国道路交通学会会员
3. 中国留英学者专业团体联合会(FCPS-UK)第一、二届主席
4. 2008 北京奥运交通咨询专家
5. 第十届全国政协会议海外特邀委员
6. 北京市杰出贡献外国专家“长城友谊奖”获得者
7. 北京市交通管理局科技顾问
8. 杭州市人民政府顾问
9. 海口市人民政府海外高级顾问
10. 中国科协海外高级顾问
11. 中国建设部公共交通顾问
12. 中国自然科学基金委海外评审专家
13. 中国教育部海外评审专家
14. 中国科技部海外评审专家
15. 英国南安普顿大学兼职教授
1. 交通行为、交通模型和交通仿真
2. 动态交通数据采集,分析和交通管理
3. 路网分析、交通组织优化和交通仿真评价
4. 智能交通系统和交通运输物联网
1. 交通分析,交通设计和交通仿真应用
2. 智能交通系统的规划、设计与建设
1. Y.G.Sui, M.Guo and J. Wu (2009) Theories and Practice of Road Traffic Management and Simulation Assessment, People’s Communications Press. ISBN: 114-07661-9.
2. J. Wu (2004) “Introduction to Transportation Systems”. Edition. Publisher: Taiwan Wunan, ISBN: 1-58053-141-5, Taiwan, 2004.
3. Wu J, Sui Y, Wang T (2009) Intelligent transport systems in China. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer. Volume: 162, Issue: 1,Pages: 25-32. Issn 0965-0903.
4. Ling Huang and Jianping Wu (2009) Cyclists' path planning behavioral model at unsignalized mixed traffic intersections in China. Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, pp13-19, ISSN: 1939-1390.
5. Wu J, Mcdonald M, Chatterjee K (2007) A detailed evaluation of ramp metering impacts on driver behaviour. Transportation Research PART F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Volume: 10, Issue: 1 Pages: 61-75.
6. Wu, J and Jiang, B (2007) GPS for GDP. Traffic Technology International, Oct/Nov 2007, pp 67-68.
7. Wu, J (2007) Reviewer of the Development of Intelligent Transport Systems in China, ITS International, Sep/Oct 2007, pp 63-64.
8. Juan Zhicai, Wu Jianping and Mike McDonald (2006) Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems. Tsinghua Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-0214 11/16, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 339-350.
9. Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2006) A detailed Evaluation of Ramp Metering Impacts on Driver Behaviour. Transportation Research Part F. 2006. Vol 10/1 pp 61-75.
10. Zheng P., McDonald M., Wu J., (2006). Evaluation of Collision Warning-Collision Avoidance Systems using Empirical Driving Data. Transportation Research Record, 1944, pp 1-7.
11. Q. Zhang, M. Guo and J. Wu (2006) The applications of the microscopic simulation model, FLOWSIM, at Urban Traffic Management. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University. 2006, 30(6)。
12. Dong, J, Wu, J, and Guo, J (2005) GPS/GIS data based road network Evaluation-Case study of Beijing. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Science). ISSN 1000-1506, Vol. 29, No. 2.
13. Guo, J, McDonald, M, Wu, J, and Li, Y (2004) The Application of RTK-GPS in Bridge Safety Monitoring. ASCE Journal: Bridge Engineering, March/April 2005, pp163-168.
14. Huang, L, and Wu, J (2004) Study on the cyclist’s behaviour at signalized intersections. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (ISSN 1524-9050), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 293-299.
15. Zhao Jiali and Jianping Wu, (2003) “Analysis of Pedestrian behavior with mixed traffic flow at intersection.” Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE. Vol.1, pp 323-327.
16. Wu J, Brackstone M, McDonald M (2003) The validation of a microscopic simulation model: a methodological case study. Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technology, Volume: 11, Issue: 6, Pages: 463-479.
17. Zhang, Jing; Cai, Bai-Gen; Wu, Jianping (2003) Study of probe vehicle technology. Journal of Northern Jiaotong University, v 27, n 3, p 80.
18. Juan, Z, Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2003) The Socio-economic impacts assessment of convoy driving Motorway. Transportation Research Part A. 2003. pp. 731-747.
19. Wu, J., McDonald, M. and Breakstone, M. (2003) The Calibration and Validation of a Fuzzy Logic Based Microscopic Car Following Model. Transportation Research part C. 2003. Pp463-479.
20. Juan, Z, Wu, J, and McDonald, M (2001) A socio-economic impact assessment for advanced cooperative driving technology. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2001, Vol.1, No.3.
21. Wu, J, Brackstone, M, and McDonald, M (2000) Fuzzy Sets and Systems for a Motorway Microscopic Simulation Model. International Journal of “Fuzzy Sets and Systems”, Vol. 116, No. 1, 2000, pp. 65-76.
22. Wu, J, and Hounsell, N (1998) Bus priority using pre-signals. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 32, (8), November 1998, pp. 563-583.
