(以内容“   方向明,教授,博士生导师,主任医师,浙江大学医学院首位自主培养的临床型国家杰出青年基金获得者,现任浙江大...”创建新页面)
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&nbsp;  方向明,教授,博士生导师,主任医师,浙江大学医学院首位自主培养的临床型国家杰出青年基金获得者,现任浙江大学医学院附属第一医院城站院区麻醉科主任,浙医一院麻醉实验室主任。从事临床麻醉工作二十余年,擅长老年人、各类急危重症的麻醉和复苏,特别是心脏病人非心脏手术的处理。回国以后,一直进行“脓毒症及器官功能损伤的机制及防治”方面的研究。作为项目负责人,曾先后主持4项国家自然科学基金资助项目;在业内顶级杂志Critical Care Medicine等SCI期刊发表论著25篇,被SCI期刊引用186次。<br>研究领域<br>  1、脓毒症的发病机制和防治;2、器官功能损伤和保护的机制及防治;3、阳离子抗菌肽在脓毒症发生发展中的作用及机制;4、各种急危重病患者的麻醉、复苏及围手术期器官保护。
方向明博士是索元生物医药(杭州)有限公司的共同创始人、执行董事。有20余年生物医药公司的科研、产品开发、管理和运作经验。曾任GenWay Bioteh公司资深副总裁和首席科学家,全面负责公司上千种抗体、蛋白类产品及试剂盒的研发、生产、质控和技术服务。此前在GenStar Therapeutics公司,历任抗肿瘤项目研发及血友病基因治疗产品临床前研发总监、血友病及载体开发副总裁,负责研发团队的组建、项目和产品开发,指导产品的cGMP生产和质控设计,解决生产环节关键技术难题,并参与IND报批及建立公司内部临床实验室。此前任职Baxter公司,负责抗肿瘤细胞和基因治疗及血友病基因治疗产品研发。方向明毕业于浙江大学医学院,在美国Alabama大学获得分子生物学博士学位,并在MD Anderson 肿瘤中心完成博士后。在基因表达载体、基因表达和基因转导、肿瘤免疫、抗体应用等方面,曾申报多项有关的专利并发表过几十篇专业论文和综述。
<br>1987年毕业于浙江医科大学临床医学本科,1987-1989年浙江大学医学院附属第二医院住院医师培训,1992年浙江大学医学院附属第二医院麻醉科主治医师,1994年浙江医科大学外科学硕士研究生,1995年到1999年德国波恩大学医学院博士研究生(师从Prof. Andreas Hoeft和Prof Frank Stuber),1999年7月浙江大学人才引进,副教授,麻醉科副主任、麻醉教研室主任,创建医院中心实验室。回国后,重视知识更新、临床规范、医教研结合做好学科建设,多次短期访问(2000年美国德州大学Hermann医院、2004年德国波恩大学、2006年美国加州大学Medical Center、2011年瑞士伯尔尼大学等)。
<br>&nbsp;  方向明,教授,博士生导师,主任医师,浙江大学医学院首位自主培养的临床型国家杰出青年基金获得者,现任浙江大学医学院附属第一医院城站院区麻醉科主任,浙医一院麻醉实验室主任。从事临床麻醉工作二十余年,擅长老年人、各类急危重症的麻醉和复苏,特别是心脏病人非心脏手术的处理。回国以后,一直进行“脓毒症及器官功能损伤的机制及防治”方面的研究。作为项目负责人,曾先后主持4项国家自然科学基金资助项目;在业内顶级杂志Critical Care Medicine等SCI期刊发表论著25篇,被SCI期刊引用186次。<br>研究领域<br>  1、脓毒症的发病机制和防治;2、器官功能损伤和保护的机制及防治;3、阳离子抗菌肽在脓毒症发生发展中的作用及机制;4、各种急危重病患者的麻醉、复苏及围手术期器官保护。
Xiangming Fang
<br>Associate Professor    Health Management & Policy
<br>Ph.D., Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, 2004
<br>Ph.D., Agricultural Economics and Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1999
<br>B.S., Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1993
<br>Dr. Xiangming Fang is Associate Professor of Health Management & Policy in the School of Public Health at Georgia State University. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota in 2004.
<br>Prior to joining the faculty at Georgia State, Dr. Fang served as Senior Health Economist with the Division of Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and later Chair for the Department of Applied Economics in the College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University. He was the first place winner of the 2005 Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) Ph.D. Dissertation Award in the field of Water Policy and Socio-Economics. He was the 2008 recipient of the Paula and Gregory Chow Best Paper Award of the Chinese Economists Society. In 2008, he also received the Kaafee Billah Memorial Award for his contributions in economic research at CDC.
<br>In 2013, Dr. Fang was the lead author of an article that has been selected as one of the 10 best violence research publications of 2012 by the Psychology of Violence journal. In 2014, he received the Best of UNICEF Research 2014 Award. In 2016, he won an Outstanding Paper Award in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. His primary research interests include economic evaluation of health interventions, public policy analysis, violence prevention, and food safety. He has published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Development Studies, China Agricultural Economic Review, Journal of Family Violence, Journal of Pediatrics, Gerontologist, Child Abuse & Neglect, Ophthalmic Epidemiology, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, International Health, Public Health, Pediatrics, Archives of General Psychiatry, American Journal of Public Health, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, and Social Science & Medicine.

2017年8月30日 (三) 02:40的最新版本


方向明博士是索元生物医药(杭州)有限公司的共同创始人、执行董事。有20余年生物医药公司的科研、产品开发、管理和运作经验。曾任GenWay Bioteh公司资深副总裁和首席科学家,全面负责公司上千种抗体、蛋白类产品及试剂盒的研发、生产、质控和技术服务。此前在GenStar Therapeutics公司,历任抗肿瘤项目研发及血友病基因治疗产品临床前研发总监、血友病及载体开发副总裁,负责研发团队的组建、项目和产品开发,指导产品的cGMP生产和质控设计,解决生产环节关键技术难题,并参与IND报批及建立公司内部临床实验室。此前任职Baxter公司,负责抗肿瘤细胞和基因治疗及血友病基因治疗产品研发。方向明毕业于浙江大学医学院,在美国Alabama大学获得分子生物学博士学位,并在MD Anderson 肿瘤中心完成博士后。在基因表达载体、基因表达和基因转导、肿瘤免疫、抗体应用等方面,曾申报多项有关的专利并发表过几十篇专业论文和综述。


1987年毕业于浙江医科大学临床医学本科,1987-1989年浙江大学医学院附属第二医院住院医师培训,1992年浙江大学医学院附属第二医院麻醉科主治医师,1994年浙江医科大学外科学硕士研究生,1995年到1999年德国波恩大学医学院博士研究生(师从Prof. Andreas Hoeft和Prof Frank Stuber),1999年7月浙江大学人才引进,副教授,麻醉科副主任、麻醉教研室主任,创建医院中心实验室。回国后,重视知识更新、临床规范、医教研结合做好学科建设,多次短期访问(2000年美国德州大学Hermann医院、2004年德国波恩大学、2006年美国加州大学Medical Center、2011年瑞士伯尔尼大学等)。
   方向明,教授,博士生导师,主任医师,浙江大学医学院首位自主培养的临床型国家杰出青年基金获得者,现任浙江大学医学院附属第一医院城站院区麻醉科主任,浙医一院麻醉实验室主任。从事临床麻醉工作二十余年,擅长老年人、各类急危重症的麻醉和复苏,特别是心脏病人非心脏手术的处理。回国以后,一直进行“脓毒症及器官功能损伤的机制及防治”方面的研究。作为项目负责人,曾先后主持4项国家自然科学基金资助项目;在业内顶级杂志Critical Care Medicine等SCI期刊发表论著25篇,被SCI期刊引用186次。


Xiangming Fang
Associate Professor Health Management & Policy
Ph.D., Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, 2004
Ph.D., Agricultural Economics and Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1999
B.S., Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1993

Dr. Xiangming Fang is Associate Professor of Health Management & Policy in the School of Public Health at Georgia State University. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota in 2004.
Prior to joining the faculty at Georgia State, Dr. Fang served as Senior Health Economist with the Division of Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and later Chair for the Department of Applied Economics in the College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University. He was the first place winner of the 2005 Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) Ph.D. Dissertation Award in the field of Water Policy and Socio-Economics. He was the 2008 recipient of the Paula and Gregory Chow Best Paper Award of the Chinese Economists Society. In 2008, he also received the Kaafee Billah Memorial Award for his contributions in economic research at CDC.
In 2013, Dr. Fang was the lead author of an article that has been selected as one of the 10 best violence research publications of 2012 by the Psychology of Violence journal. In 2014, he received the Best of UNICEF Research 2014 Award. In 2016, he won an Outstanding Paper Award in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. His primary research interests include economic evaluation of health interventions, public policy analysis, violence prevention, and food safety. He has published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Development Studies, China Agricultural Economic Review, Journal of Family Violence, Journal of Pediatrics, Gerontologist, Child Abuse & Neglect, Ophthalmic Epidemiology, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, International Health, Public Health, Pediatrics, Archives of General Psychiatry, American Journal of Public Health, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, and Social Science & Medicine.
