
删除4字节 、​ 2021年2月15日 (星期一)
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<br>  6 张嗣瀛.关于定量与定性微分对策.自动化学报,1980 (2).
<br>  6 张嗣瀛.关于定量与定性微分对策.自动化学报,1980 (2).
<br>  7 Zhang Ciying.Anew approach of solving qualitative differential games and determining the boundary of controllable region. On 8th IFAC Word Congress. Preprints, 1981,Ⅸ: 128-133.
<br>  7 Zhang Ciying.Anew approach of solving qualitative differential games and determining the boundary of controllable region. On 8th IFAC Word Congress. Preprints, 1981,Ⅸ: 128-133.
<br>  <br>8 Zhang Ciying.Some applications of the qualitative maximum principle. On 1983 American Control Conference (ACC), Session FA2: 934 939.
<br>  8 Zhang Ciying.Some applications of the qualitative maximum principle. On 1983 American Control Conference (ACC), Session FA2: 934 939.
<br>  9 Zhang Ciying, Wu Hangsheng, Wang Jingci.An Approch to Solve the Role Ambigulty Problem in Aerial Combat.Paper, on 9th IFAC Word Congress. Preprints, 1984,(Ⅴ): 160~165.
<br>  9 Zhang Ciying, Wu Hangsheng, Wang Jingci.An Approch to Solve the Role Ambigulty Problem in Aerial Combat.Paper, on 9th IFAC Word Congress. Preprints, 1984,(Ⅴ): 160~165.
<br>  10 张嗣瀛.一种确定快速最优及能控性问题伴随方程边界条件的方法、集合覆盖法.自动化学报,1985(3).
<br>  10 张嗣瀛.一种确定快速最优及能控性问题伴随方程边界条件的方法、集合覆盖法.自动化学报,1985(3).
